Values such as 22 nF (0.022 μF) or 47 kΩ, which are often found in electronic components, may seem somewhat strange when you encounter them for the first time. Such values are referred to as the E6, E12, and E24 series. They are recommended values for resistors and capacitors, prepared by the International Electrotechnical Commissionfs (IEC) Technical Committee (TC) No.40, "Resistors and Capacitors", and are defined in IEC 60063 (JIS C 5063 in Japan).
At the 1948 meeting of IEC TC No. 12, Radio-communication, in Stockholm,
it was unanimously agreed that one of the most urgent matters for international standardization was
a series of recommended values for resistors and capacitors up to 0.1 μF.
It might have been desirable to standardize the 10√10 series system,
but in several countries, the 12√10 series system had been adopted
due to the standardization of 5%, 10%, and 20% tolerance for the aforementioned components.
Changing this was unrealistic, so the 12√10 system was adopted .
In 1950 a proposal for recommended values for the E6, E12 and E24 series was adopted in Paris,
and subsequently published as I.E.C. Publication 63.
Unfortunately, I do not know how the specific numbers were decided by the Technical Committee. However, it turns out that the E24 series subtly deviates from the values rounded to two digits after dividing one digit into 24 equal parts in a geometric progression. This deviation occurs around one third of a digit, between 2.7 and 4.7 (See Table 1).
Table 1 [ E24 / E12 / E6 Series and Geometric Series ]
E24 series
(5 % tolerance)E12 series
(10 % tolerance)E6 series
(20 % tolerance)12√10 Geometric series
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.000 1.1 1.100~ 1.2 1.2 1.211~ 1.3 1.333~ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.467~ 1.6 1.615~ 1.8 1.8 1.778~ 2.0 1.957~ 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.154~ 2.4 2.371~ 2.7 2.7 2.610~ 3.0 2.872~ 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.162~ 3.6 3.480~ 3.9 3.9 3.831~ 4.3 4.216~ 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.641~ 5.1 5.108~ 5.6 5.6 5.623~ 6.2 6.189~ 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.812~ 7.5 7.498~ 8.2 8.2 8.254~ 9.1 9.085~
Thanks to this, you may appreciate the exquisite balance in choosing these values when designing circuits, as you can make the ratio or product of multiple elements a nice value, or slightly larger or smaller. In actual electronic circuits, especially analog circuits, it is often more important to have a product or ratio of values rather than the absolute value of components, such as time constants or the gain of an amplifier. Particularly, thanks to the adoption of '3.0' instead of '2.9', it is truly appreciated that ratios such as
1 : 2 : 4 → 75 : 150 : 300can be created. If you look at Table 2, you can see that most of the practical magnifications can be realized with the ratio of the E24 series.
1 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 17 → 3 : 12 : 15 : 18 : 24 : 27 : 30 : 33 : 36 : 39 : 51
or even reciprocally
4 : 6 : 8 : 9 : 12 → 1 / 36 : 1 / 24 : 1 / 18 : 1 / 16 : 1 / 12
Table 2 [Examples of practical magnifications obtained with ratios in the E24 series]
× magnifications E24 value / E24 value (error) × 0.268~ ( 2 -√3) 15 / 56 (+0.034%), 22 / 82 (-0.13%) × 0.293~ ( 1 - 1 / √2) 24 / 82 (+0.072%), 22 / 75 (-0.15%) × 0.414~ (√2 - 1) 91 / 22 (+0.14%), 6.2 / 15 (+0.21%) × 0.732~ (√3 - 1) 11 / 15 (-0.18%), 22 / 30 (-0.18%) × 1.1 11 / 10, 22 / 20, 33 / 30 × 1.2 (6 / 5) 12 / 10, 18 / 15, 24 / 20, 36 / 30 × 1.25 (5 / 4) 15 / 12, 20 / 16, 30 / 24 × 1.33~ (4 / 3) 100 / 75, 16 / 12, 20 / 15, 24 / 18, 36 / 27, 68 / 51 × 1.4 (7 / 5) 18 / 13 (-1.1%) × 1.41 (√2) 51 / 36 (-0.17%), 130 / 91 (-1.0%) × 1.5 (3 / 2) 15 / 10, 18 / 12, 24 / 16, 27 / 18, 30 / 20, 33 / 22, 36 / 24 × 1.6 (8 / 5) 120 / 75, 16 / 10 × 1.66~ (5 / 3) 20 / 12, 30 / 18 × 1.73 (√3) 130 / 75 (-0.07%) × 1.75 (7 / 4) 82 / 47 (-0.3%) × 1.8 (9 / 5) 18 / 10, 27 / 15, 36 / 20 × 2 150 / 75, 20 / 10, 22 / 11, 24 / 12, 30 / 15, 36 / 18 × 2.16~ (√10 - 1) 39 / 18 (+0.2%), 11 / 51 (+0.25%) × 2.2 (11 / 5) 22 / 10, 33 / 15 × 2.25 (9 / 4) 27 / 12, 36 / 16 × 2.33~ (7 / 3) 56 / 24, 91 / 39 × 2.5 (5 / 2) 30 / 12, 75 / 30 × 2.6 (13 / 5) 39 / 15 × 2.66~ (8 / 3) 200 / 75 × 2.75 (11 / 4) 33 / 12 × 2.8 (14 / 5) 56 / 20 × 3 3 / 1, 33 / 11, 36 / 12, 39 / 13 × 3.16~ (√10) 16 / 5.1 (+0.78%), 51 / 16 (+0.79%) × 3.2 (16 / 5) 240 / 75 × 3.25 (13 / 4) 39 / 12 × 3.4 (17 / 5) 51 / 15, 68 / 20 × 3.5 (7 / 2) 56 / 16 × 3.75 (15 / 4) 75 / 20 × 4 12 / 3, 300 / 75 × 4.25 (17 / 4) 51 / 12, 68 / 16 × 4.5 (9 / 2) 68 / 15 (+0.7%) × 5 75 / 15, 10 / 20, 11 / 22, 12 / 24, 15 / 3, 180 / 36 × 5.5 (11 / 2) 11 / 2 × 6 12 / 2, 18 / 3 × 6.5 (13 / 2) 13 / 2 × 7 91 / 13 × 7.5 (15 / 2) 120 / 16, 15 / 2, 180 / 24, 270 / 36, 510 / 68, 75 / 10 × 8 120 / 15, 16 / 2, 24 / 3 × 8.5 (16 / 2) 330 / 39 (+0.45%) × 9 18 / 2, 27 / 3
The E24 series was likely designed with consideration for both a just intonation scale (akin to a pure tone scale) and a well-tempered scale (akin to a mean scale), in order to facilitate the realization of favorable ratios.
Resistance tolerances are mainly determined by rounding the R3 series (Renard numbers) to the nearest digit, primarily using the 1-2-5 series.
Table 3 [Example of tolerance code]Compliant with IEC60062:2016 (JIS C 5062, JIS C 60062:2019 in Japan).
code tolerance [%] series color code (S) 0.0010 (U) 0.0020 (X) 0.0025 E(V) 0.0050 L(T) 0.01 (Grey) P(H) 0.02 (Yellow) W(A) 0.05 Orange B 0.10 Purple C 0.25 Blue D 0.50 E192 Green F 1 E96 Brown G 2 E48 Red J 5 E24 Gold K 10 E12 Silver M 20 E6 plane
The code in parentheses () are examples of extensions by resistor manufacturers (e.g. Vishay).
The capacitance of capacitors primarily uses the E series, such as E6 or E12. However, the rated voltage uses values based on the R10 standard numbers (Renard numbers). The rated voltage of the capacitor represents the exponent as a number in the first character and the mantissa as an uppercase English letter in the second character. The mantissa corresponds to the R10 standard numbers {1.0, 1.25, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.15, 4.0, 5.0, 6.3, 8.0} with {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K}.
Table 4[Examples of rated voltages and their codes]
Code | Tolerance [V] |
0E | 2.5 |
0G | 4.0 |
0L | 5.5 |
0J | 6.3 |
1A | 10 |
1B | 12.5 |
1C | 16 |
1D | 20 |
1E | 25 |
(1V) | 35 |
1G | 40 |
1H | 50 |
1J | 63 |
1K | 80 |
2A | 100 |
(2Q) | 110 |
2B | 125 |
2C | 160 |
(2P) | 180 |
2D | 200 |
2E | 250 |
2F | 315 |
(2V) | 350 |
2G | 400 |
(2W) | 450 |
2H | 500 |
2J | 630 |
3A | 1000 |
3B | 1250 |
3C | 1600 |
3D | 2000 |
As an aside, in JIS C 5101-1:2010 (IEC 60384-1:2008) under
2.3.3 Recommended values of rated voltagethere was a note stating
Note 2: In particular, if necessary, the rated voltages of 35V, 350V, and 450V from the R20 standard number series may be used.However, this statement was removed in JIS C 5101-1:2019 2.3.3. Therefore, going forward, the rated voltages of 35 V, 350 V, and 450 V may become deprecated for new designs or may be phased out from the manufacturer's lineup.
Table 5 [Temperature Coefficients TC of Class-1 ceramic capacitors]Excerpt from IEC 60384-8:2015 (JIS C 5101-8:2018 in Japan)
Code TC
ppm / °CTC tolerance
ppmColor code C0G 0 ±30 Black P2G -150 ±30 Orange R2G -220 ±30 Yellow S2H -330 ±60 Green T2H -470 ±60 Blue U2J -750 ±120 Violet SL +350 ∼ -1000 Gray
Ceramic capacitors for temperature compensation other than zero temperature coefficient (C0G, NP0 characteristics, etc.) are almost extinct as of 2023, leaving only a few with P2G and U2J characteristics.
▼ unfold / foldThis article is a modified version of the E24 series article that appeared in the May 2008 issue of Transistor Technology.
- Takayuki HOSODA, "Q1-2 Why are the resistor values 1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7 ... so close together?", Transistor Technology, May 2008, p.p.104-105, CQ Publishing
- Find the nearest fraction in the E24 numbers (for HP 42S)
- Find the nearest fraction in the E24 numbers (for HP 35s)
External links
- Preferred number - E24 numbers defined in the IEC 60063 (JIS C 5063)
© 2000 Takayuki HOSODA.